
Posts Tagged ‘swine flu’

(said in my best monotone voice):

This is a test of your preparedness system.  This is only a test.  If it were a real emergency, you would be required to use your preparedness stores for survival. This is only a test.

Are you ready?

If nothing else, this past week with the swine flu (aka H1N1 virus) should have made you think more seriously about the status of your preparedness plans.  It is important to be prepared – not panicked.

What if this had been bad enough that everyone was required to be quarantined in their homes for a month?  Two months?  Six months?

Could it really get that bad?  Possibly.  Scientists have said for years we are due for another major pandemic. Hopefully this one won’t be it, but sooner or later it realistically could happen.

So my question to you is this…are you prepared?  Do you have ample food in your pantry?  Enough to last a month or even longer?  Do you have N95 masks?  Hand sanitizer?  Medications to help ease flu symptoms (such as ibuprofen/tylenol, nasal decongestants, cough syrup, etc)?  Kleenex?  Bleach?  Medications you need to take on  a regular basis?

These are all valid points to consider.  There may come a time when it is medically necessary to stay home from work/school in order to prevent a contagion from spreading.  If nothing else, this with the swine flu should be a wake up call.

If you have not prepared yet, yesterday was the time to do so.  Start immediately – your life and that of your family may depend on it in the future.

If you have already taken steps to prepare, go over your supplies – double check any areas you may be lacking.

No, you can’t think of everything, but doing SOMETHING is better than nothing.

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Friday update – flu

Just a quick note to let you know what’s going on here.  Our tween kiddo has the flu – we think it’s just regular ol’ flu (which is bad enough!), but they tested him for swine flu just to be safe.  We should get results in a few days.

He is on an antibiotic and an antiviral.  He had 101 fever on Wed. and the school nurse called so I could come get him.  He has had aches, severe sore throat, both ears hurting, chills, nausea, sinus congestion, etc.  I’m hoping the fever broke last night for good – he was sweating profusely and seems a little better this morning.

Just a heads up for ya’ll – stay safe and stay well!

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